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A conference of the
Energie- und Umweltzentrum
am Deister GmbH


14th International BUILDAIR Symposium

Airtight Buildings, Thermography and Ventilation Systems in Practice

May 16-17, 2025 - Hannover Congress Centrum (HCC), Germany

Bilingual conference

download programme flyer

Dear friends and partners all over the world,

We cordially invite you to the 14th International BUILDAIR Symposium in Hanover in May. In 2025, the leading conference on airtightness will once again offer a unique opportunity to find out about the latest developments and best practice, discuss challenges in airtightness testing of special buildings and exchange experiences across national borders. This time, we are organising the conference in cooperation with the AIVC, which is why the second day will start with an AIVC panel that will take a detailed look at developments in Europe.

Is there an optimal airtightness concept for the refurbishment of thousands and thousands of existing buildings? What special features need to be considered when measuring the airtightness of special buildings? Which method for analysing the measured values enables the most accurate predictions of air flow rates under different environmental conditions? The detailed lecture programme can be found below, so take a look right now!

As usual, the conference will be accompanied by a trade exhibition. This will enable you to find out about products that match the topics of the presentations and which can be used to put what you have heard into practice. Conversely, companies in the sector will have the opportunity to talk to many representatives of their target group. We have prepared the form for hiring a stand and further information for you in the exhibition menu item.

The third pillar of the symposium is the exchange of ideas. That is why we have planned a conference dinner for Friday evening. This time it will take place in the green areas opposite the Congress Centrum, in the Va Bene restaurant.

We look forward to seeing you again in May 2025!

And if you would like to reminisce about the 2023 symposium:





Would you like to help keeping the registration fee low?

The International BUILDAIR Symposium promotes the professional exchange between experts from all over the world on airtightness, ventilation technology and thermography and aims to bring specialists closer together across national borders. That is why we want to offer an attractive, up-to-date know-how and high level of speakers on the one hand, and on the other hand we want to keep the participation fees low in order to enable as many professional colleagues as possible to take part.

By sponsoring, you not only support the purpose of the conference, but you also reach architects, planners, civil engineers, BlowerDoor users, energy consultants, building thermographers and tradesmen who are actively involved in making existing buildings airtight and energy efficient more quickly.

Would you like to be part of the exclusive group that supports the International Buildair Symposium? It would be a pleasure for us to talk to you about your individual commitment.

Uwe Brockmann, brockmann@e-u-z.de

looks forward to hearing from you.

 Thanks a lot to the sponsors
BD_Logo.png   Logo_ProclimaMoll.png

Distribution of BlowerDoor Measuring Systems

  • qualified consulting and sale of state-of-the-art measurement technology for airtightness
  • calibration of the measurement systems
  • a comprehensive range of seminars 
  • continuous further development of hardware and software 


Development, production an sale of reliable system solutions for sealing building envelopes

  • internal sealing
  • external sealing
  • bonding agents
  • window sealing
 to the co-operation partners
aivc_logo.gif Baka-Berlin.jpg DEN-eV_Farbe_Web.jpg FLiB.jpg
Logo_GIH.png ig_logo.jpg Inive_logo_transp.gif Logo_PHI_neu_DE.jpg
Logo_SKH_Groen_SKH-SHR22_nl_Ausschn.jpg Logo_theCH_def.jpg Tightvent-ohne.jpg Logo_VATH_RGB_bearb.png
 and to the media partners 
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Bausubstanz Logo.jpg buildings-partnership 1.png BWI_Logo.jpg FT_logo_basis.png
geb_logo_20jahre_RGB_353x86px.jpg geg_info.gif HLH_Logo_web.jpg MGT-Logo-2022-72dpi-RGB-01.jpg


Friday, May 16 2025

9:30 a.m. Welcome and opening address
Wilfried Walther (D), Arnold Janssens (B)
  Country Reports
9:40 a.m. Germany - Association for Airtightness in the Building Industry (FLiB)
Oliver Solcher (D)
  Switzerland - The Thermography and Blower Door Association  
Michael Wehrli (CH)
  The Netherlands
Remko van Galen (NL)
  The Czech Republic
Jiří Novák oder Jiří Krejča (CZ)
  Greece - hold times of gaseous fire suppressants: poetry and truth
Theo Tountas (GR)
10:30 a.m. 90 seconds - exhibitors have the floor
10:45 a.m. Coffee break and trade fair visit
  Planning Airtightness, part 1
11:15 a.m. Ensuring airtightness when retrofitting existing buildings with prefab components
Søren Peper (D)
  Airtightness of multifamily residential buildings in Czech Republic – theory vs. reality
Jiří Novák (CZ)
  Tightness of moving components: Roll-up doors
Michael Wehrli (CH)
12:30 p.m. Lunch break and trade fair visit
  Planning Airtightness, part 2
2:00 p.m. Strategies to ensure successful planning processes
Wilfried Walther (D)
  Acid test: How to achieve airtightness when retrofitting existing buildings
Helmut König (D)
2:50 p.m.  Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of thermal bridges with thermography
Ben Standecker (D)
3:15 p.m.  Coffee break and trade fair visit
  Leak detection
3:45 p.m. How to detect radon leaks
Marc Ellinger (D)
  Acoustic-thermographic leak detection for existing buildings
Björn Schiricke and Alexander Jahnke (D)
  Benefits and accuracy when using ultrasound for acoustic leak detection
Daniel Dobrowolski (UK)
  Legal news
5:00 p.m. Why are generally accepted engineering practices under attack?
Ulf Köpcke (D)
5:30 p.m. End of the session
7:00 p.m. Conference Dinner with barbecue buffet in the restaurant "VaBene" (special registration required)


Saturday, May 17, 2025

  Presentations from AIVC and TightVent Europe 
9:00 a.m. Introduction to Tightvent and AIVC projects relevant for BuildAir
Arnold Janssens (B)
  Trends in building and ductwork airtightness in 16 countries
Valerie Leprince (F)
  Developing regulations to improve IAQ, ventilation and airtightness in Belgian buildings
Peter Wouters (B)
  Improving ISO 9972 - Status of the revision process
Valerie Leprince (F)
10:30 a.m. Coffee break and trade fair visit
  Measuring special buildings - lessons learned
11:00 a.m. Airtightness testing of large freezing rooms under operational conditions
Jiří Krejča (CZ)
  Testing the airtightness of the first Passive House hospital in Thessaloniki
Theo Tountas (GR)
  Passive House measurement after 16 years - is air-tightness of the envelope still intact?
Lars Due
12:15 p.m. Lunch break and trade fair visit
  Rethinking ventilation
1:30 p.m. Dimensioning ventilation systems with/without infiltration?
Oliver Solcher (D)
  Assisted routing of facade-integrated ductwork
Sven Auerswald (D)
  Analysing measurement results
2:20 p.m. Analysing measurement data using regression analysis and error calculation
Joachim Zeller (D)
  Regression techniques under ISO 9972 - a comparative analysis
Benedikt Kölsch (D)
3:10 p.m. Closing words
3:15 p.m. End of the Symposium


Programme leaflet:   long version   print version


Dr.-Ing. Sven Auerswald, Fraunhofer Institute for Solare Energiesysteme ISE, Freiburg (Germany)
Daniel Dobrowolski, The Durham Institute of Research, Development, and Invention, Sedgefield (United Kingdom)
Lars Due, Isolink, Slagelse (Denmark)
Marc Ellinger, Radon-Informationszentrum, Bernau (Germany)
Alexander Jahnke, Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Informatik e. V., Berlin (Germany)
Prof. Arnold Janssens, TU Gent, Fakultät Ingenieurwissenschaften und Architektur / AIVC / Inive, Gent (Belgium)
Dr.-Ing. Benedikt Kölsch, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Köln (Germany)
Helmut König, Herz & Lang GmbH, Weitnau (Germany)
RA Ulf Köpcke, Anwaltskanzlei Am Augustinerplatz, Freiburg (Germany)
Jiří Krejča, Blowertest s.r.o., Jihlava (Czech Republic)
Valerie Leprince, PhD, Cerema, Lyon (France)
Jiří Novák, PhD, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prag (Czech Republic)
Søren Peper, Passivhaus Institut, Darmstadt (Germany)
Dr.-Ing. Björn Schiricke, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Köln (Germany)
Oliver Solcher, Ingenieurbüro für Wärmetechnik / Fachverband Luftdichtheit im Bauwesen, Berlin (Germany)
Ben Standecker, IB Standecker GmbH & Co. KG, Schwabach (Germany)
Theo Tountas, F.U.V. Group, Galatsi, Athen (Greece)
Oscar van Doorn, SKH, Wageningen (Netherlands)
Michael Wehrli, Gutachterbüro Wehrli / theCH Thermographie und BlowerDoor-Verband Schweiz, Marthalen (Switzerland)
Peter Wouters, PeerConsult / AIVC / Inive, Gent (Belgium)
Joachim Zeller, Ingenieurbüro Zeller, Biberach (Germany)

Thanks everyone for the interesting submissions!

Dear speakers, please remember the following dates:

Submission of the download versions 09.05.2025
Submission of PowerPoint presentations 09.05.2025



Participants at the International Buildair Symposium appreciate the opportunity to find out about tried-and-tested and new products and services during the lecture breaks. The organisers are therefore offering companies involved in airtight building envelopes, thermography or ventilation technology the opportunity to present themselves and their products and services at the trade exhibition accompanying the conference. 

Exhibitor service

You can download information and documents for your stand registration here:

For more detailed information, please contact

Margareta Hollmann


Exhibitors 2025:

ACIN Instrumenten B.V., Rijswijk (The Netherlands)
BlowerDoor GmbH, Springe (Germany)
Eisedicht GmbH, Dörentrup (Germany)
Energie- und Umweltzentrum am Deister e.V., Springe (Germany)
Fachverband Luftdichtheit im Bauwesen e.V., Berlin (Germany)
Gerd Ott - Der Luftdichtheitsmessgeräte-Shop, Mühlhausen im Täle (Germany)
pro clima Moll bauökologische Produkte GmbH, Schwetzingen (Germany)
Regel-air Becks GmbH & Co. KG, Geldern (Germany)
Wöhler Messgeräte Kehrgeräte GmbH, Bad Wünnenberg (Germany)


Impressions of the 2023 trade exhibition

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Conference dates 

Friday/Saturday, May 16-17, 2025

Conference place 

Hannover Congress Centrum (HCC)
Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1-3
30175 Hannover

Conference languages

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided for the complete conference in English and German. 

Conference record

All abstracts will be included in the Conference Proceedings in German and English. The contributions provided by the speakers in their original language can be downloaded from the website (www.buildair.eu) after the conference.

Conference Dinner

May 16, 2025, 7 p.m. (drinks are to be paid for by yourself)
Restaurant VaBene, Theodor-Heuss-Platz 6, 30175 Hannover

Registration fee

  until March 28, 2025 later
participation both days 489 Euro excl. VAT 549 Euro excl. VAT
participation one day 289 Euro excl. VAT 329 Euro excl. VAT
Students (both days) 100 Euro excl. VAT 100 Euro excl. VAT
Students (one day) 50 Euro excl. VAT 50 Euro excl. VAT
Conference Dinner (room, buffet and welcome drink) 50 Euro excl. VAT 50 Euro excl. VAT

Fees cover: attendance of all the sessions, visit trade exhibition, catering during the Symposium, conference proceedings.

Deadline for registration is May 9, 2025

Terms of registration

Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation of your registration, a map along with directions to find the Symposium venue, and the invoice.

Cancellation of registration has to be submitted in writing. We will charge an administrative fee of 60.00 € (excl. VAT) if cancellation is made up to 21 days prior to the Symposium, date as postmarked. After that date, or if you are unable to attend the Symposium, we will charge the full amount as specified in your invoice. Prior consultation provided, you may suggest an alternative participant.

In case the Symposium has to be cancelled for extraordinary reasons, we will inform you immediately. In that event, we are only obliged to refund any participation fees you may have paid before that date. We reserve the right to change the list of speakers and/or the program in exceptional cases. In any case, the liability is limited to the participation fee.

download terms of registration / privacy policy

Open registration form

Conference secretariat

Energie- und Umweltzentrum am Deister GmbH
Zum Energie- und Umweltzentrum 1
31832 Springe, Germany
Tel. +49 5044 975-20
Fax +49 5044 975-66
E-Mail: bildung@e-u-z.de
Kontakt: Josephine Hartzke, Sabine Schneider



Contact for journalists

Ursula Mellema

Press releases



BUILDAIR 2023 - plenary hall, presentation Dr. Johannes Pernpeintner, Germany
BUILDAIR 2023 - plenary hall, presentation Irene Poza Casado, Spain
BUILDAIR 2023 - trade exhibition, BlowerDoor GmbH stand
BUILDAIR 2023 - trade exhibition, ACIN B.V. stand
Source for all photos: Energie- und Umweltzentrum am Deister GmbH


Please feel free to download

Order form conference proceedings from previous symposia

Conference Announcement / Call for Papers
Information 1 about the symposium
Information 2 about the symposium

Programme leaflet long version, print version



Your arrival

Arrival by public transport
From Hanover main station the bus lines 128 and 134 (both direction Peiner Straße) go directly to the HCC.
Alternatively: from the central station take tram line 10 (direction Aegidientorplatz) to Aegidientorplatz, change to tram line 11 (direction zoo), from there directly to the HCC.

Arrival by car
See map, ample parking (entrance to the parking garage in Schackstraße) are available.

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Information in accordance with § 5 TMG

Company: Energie-und Umweltzentrum am Deister GmbH
Address of company: Energie- und Umweltzentrum 1
31832 Springe-Eldagsen
Phone: +49 5044 975-0
Fax: +49 5044 975-66
E-Mail: info [at] e-u-z.de
business manager: Uwe Brockmann
Commercial register entry: HRB 102155
registry court Hannover
VAT-Id.-Nr.: DE 196244147
Tax-Nr.: 42/200/03435
Responsible person for the content: Uwe  Brockmann
Dispute resolution: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
Our e-mail address is to be found above in the imprint.
We are not willing or obligated to participate in dispute resolution procedures ahead of a consumer arbitration board.
Photos: © Energie- und Umweltzentrum am Deister 


Legal disclaimer

Limitation of liability for internal content

The content of our website has been compiled with meticulous care and to the best of our knowledge. However, we cannot assume any liability for the up-to-dateness, completeness or accuracy of any of the pages. Pursuant to section 7, para. 1 of the TMG (Telemediengesetz – Tele Media Act by German law), we as service providers are liable for our own content on these pages in accordance with general laws. However, pursuant to sections 8 to 10 of the TMG, we as service providers are not under obligation to monitor external information provided or stored on our website. Once we have become aware of a specific infringement of the law, we will immediately remove the content in question. Any liability concerning this matter can only be assumed from the point in time at which the infringement becomes known to us.

Limitation of liability for external links

Our website contains links to the websites of third parties (“external links”). As the content of these websites is not under our control, we cannot assume any liability for such external content. In all cases, the provider of information of the linked websites is liable for the content and accuracy of the information provided. At the point in time when the links were placed, no infringements of the law were recognisable to us. As soon as an infringement of the law becomes known to us, we will immediately remove the link in question.


The content and works published on this website are governed by the copyright laws of Germany. Any duplication, processing, distribution or any form of utilisation beyond the scope of copyright law shall require the prior written consent of the author or authors in question.


May 2018 / source: eRecht24

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is intended to inform you, as the user of our website, about the nature, scope and purpose of the collection and use of your personal data by us.

Responsible in the sense of the European General Data Protection Regulation (Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, DSGVO) and other national data protection laws of the member states as well as other data protection regulations is:

Energie- und Umweltzentrum am Deister GmbH 
Zum Energie- und Umweltzentrum 1 
31832 Springe-Eldagsen 
Telefon: +49 5044 975-0 
info [at] e-u-z.de

Data Protection

Safeguarding your personal data is a serious matter for us. We want you to feel safe and secure when you visit our websites. The protection of your privacy is an important objective for us when processing your personal data. 

Usually the use of our website is possible without personalized data (i. e. name, address, …). In case you may be asked to provide personal information, answering these questions is optional. We use the personal information provided by you solely for the purpose of assisting you individually, which normally means answering your inquiry. 

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If you send us an inquiry by e-mail, your details, including the contact details you provided there, will be stored for the purpose of processing the request and in case of follow-up questions. We will not share this information without your consent.

Registration form

The personal data you provide us with the registration form will be required for the processing of your registration and participation. If required to perform the contract, your personal information will be passed on to public entities to comply with regulatory requirements (eg, tax authorities), to internal entities to perform the individual business processes (eg, accounting, marketing), and to external partners (eg. mail-order firm). A transfer of your personal data to third parties for purposes other than those mentioned does not occur.

The protection of your personal data is very important to us. However, environmental and climate protection are no less important to us. Therefore, we ask for your permission to send you information about our events by e-mail. You can revoke this consent at any time by written notification (by post, fax or e-mail, address details see above) to the e.u. [z.].

Photos will be taken during the conference for documentation and public relations purposes. Therefore, we ask for your consent to publication. We point out that photos, provided they are published on the Internet, can be accessed by anyone. It can then not be ruled out that such persons continue to use the photos or pass them on to other persons.

You have the right to revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. In this case, your personal data will be deleted immediately, unless legal provisions preclude this. You can always inform yourself about the data stored about your person. For more information, see your rights section.

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Upon written request, we will inform you about the specific data we have stored concerning you (e.g., name and address). If you have any questions about data security, please contact us at any time at the address given above. You also have the right to complain to us about the processing of your personal data by a data protection supervisory authority.

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The use of contact data published under the obligation to provide an imprint for sending of unsolicited advertising and information material is objected to. We reserve the explicit right to initiate legal proceedings in case of receipt of unsolicited advertising, for example by spam emails.


May 2018 / sources: e-recht24.dedatenschutz.org